for YOU, by YOU, BECAUSE of YOU: Guided Journal for Empowered Women

Coaching Packages

The Empowered You

The voice within can no longer be ignored.

You tried to shut it down, but it’s become so loud you now see it reflected everywhere in your physical world. It’s no longer an inner murmur, it’s a huge neon sign around every corner.

But still you do your best to ignore it, you simply don’t know what to do with these experiences or who to talk to about them, surely no-one would understand, or worse, assume you’re crazy. So you discount it as nothing more than imagination, you stay quiet, and you hide it all. That worked for a while, but it’s becoming increasingly difficult to shut down and as the days pass, everything you feel threatens to spill over and demand your attention.

It’s time to unpack everything.

It’s time to understand that these are the whispers of your Soul, calling you to start living your life for YOU.

Calling you to reconnect with your wants, wishes and desires and embrace them as necessary aspects of a full life rather than something that needs to be overcome so you can better serve everyone around you.

You can not serve others unless you’re serving yourself, not without becoming burnt out, disconnected, and depleted.

The stress that lives in your body and robs you of your joy shows you this.

The guilt you feel for not feeling total joy for what you already have is not a character flaw, it’s evidence that life gets to be MORE than what you ever imagined, more than you were taught should be your lot, more than the generic milestones of the masses.

Life gets to be a spiritual experience, it IS a spiritual experience. It’s when you turn away from this fact that suffering is inevitable.




This is how our month together will look:

  • ​1x 90 minute onboarding call (Full notes from this provided)
  • 4x 45 minute weekly check in calls
  • Daily voice note support on Voxer
  • Video replays of all of our meetings
  • A review of goals in our third week together

Options to continue our work together beyond the month.

Payment plan option: 50% at sign up and 50% before week 3 commences.

In our time together, I will guide you to create permanent positive shifts in your life and in your experiences.

You will become so empowered and enlightened that you will feel completely confident to step into the person you truly are, those around you will be positively impacted just by your presence.

These shifts will not take long to take hold, as we get laser focused and reach the heart of the matter almost immediately, allowing us to move mountains of pain, fear, grief and negativity in deep and productive ways.


I will support you to take the driver seat of the process and discover a new way to process, view and understand yourself in deeper, more profound ways that will benefit you and everyone around you. My role is to serve you as you rise to your uniqueness, stop beating yourself up for the misguided decisions you may have made in your past and step into the new and empowered YOU.

$2,222.00 1-month Package


It’s Time to Start Living and Loving YOUR Life

I invite you to reach out if you're ready to embark on your transformative journey. Together, let's take the first step toward an empowered and fulfilling midlife journey. We will unlock your true potential, create meaningful change, and build a life that reflects your authentic self.