for YOU, by YOU, BECAUSE of YOU: Guided Journal for Empowered Women

Coaching Packages


This is it for you. The turning point.

You’re no longer interested in figuring this out on your own, you’ve wasted enough time and you refuse to feel the way you feel a moment longer.


You’re ready, I’m ready.​

Let me walk beside you for 12 whole weeks, supporting you, guiding you, unlocking your deepest answers within until you emerge as the woman you were always meant to be.


It’s time to create peace and confidence with your true identity.

The answers aren’t in a book.​

They feel good to read, because you’re tapping into someone else’s turning point.

But yours looks different, your answers are in YOU.

​The book you need to read, the book that will show you how to implement in a way that actually gets the unique results required, is written by that voice inside.

All you need now is someone to help you access it, who can see, feel and comprehend where you are stuck and support you to move forward in the specific way that is personal to you.

This is what your re-becoming looks like:

  • 1x 90 minute on boarding call with follow up notes
  • 12x 1 hour coaching sessions to check in and create a weekly plan of action
  • Video recordings of all our conversations
  • Daily voxer support

​Your investment is $4555. A monthly payment plan is available. 

With this work, you will finally be able to stop absorbing and start expressing.

You will cease to be a product of your environment, allowing other people and stressful situations to determine who you are and instead open up to the truth of your intuition and the seat of absolute authenticity.

You truly believe that more is available to you, you feel the burn of that inner flicker, you’re ready to explore what it has to offer and what it desires to create.

It’s time to stop shying away from what you know.

You’re not alone.

$5,555.00 12-week Package


It’s Time to Start Living and Loving YOUR Life

I invite you to reach out if you're ready to embark on your transformative journey. Together, let's take the first step toward an empowered and fulfilling midlife journey. We will unlock your true potential, create meaningful change, and build a life that reflects your authentic self.