for YOU, by YOU, BECAUSE of YOU: Guided Journal for Empowered Women

Coaching Programs

Cut the Cord - Not the Ties

Do you need a better relationship with your adult children?   

Are you always feeling stressed out, frustrated and overwhelmed every time you try and talk with your children?

It DOESN'T have to stay that way.  

Join Cut the Cord-Not the Ties to learn how to build a better bond with your adult children. 

A bond that change everything for you and them. Learn how to look after you and your needs.

Are you ready to transition your role as MOM, because believe me they have transitioned and left you behind.  

What if you could support your adult children without draining YOURSELF? 

How would your life change if you could be there for them without burning yourself out?

Just imagine ...

....being able to support your adult children in ways that don't monopolize your thoughts, emotions, time, bank account and energy.​

....developing an even stronger, loving, reciprocal relationship with your adult children where they get to grow, change and develop independence.

...being able to live YOUR life, and your children support you to step into YOUR life and live your dreams for YOU!

How would your life change if you could actually take time for yourself, guilt free in ways you continually wish and dream of?

I'm ready to change my relationship with my children. I want to sign up for  Cut the Cord - Not the Ties

What is included

  • 8 week course
  • meet weekly
  • Zoom access
  • workbook provided
  • elite level coaching
  • replays available for lifetime
  • access to Private Facebook group

As a Mom with adult children, you want to support them and be a good Mom. 

 What does a "good Mom" actually do?​

You know you can't let them fail, be hurt, be in debt, in a difficult relationship without your support.

You know they need your support but what the hell does that support really need to look like, sound like and feel like?

​Not having any real clue what you are doing, you try everything in your power to help. 

 You give advice, money, gifts, time, in ways you don't even give to yourself, but hey that is absolutely okay because it is your responsibility, as their Mom. 

 That is what a Mom does, she makes sure her children are loved. 

 You have a role, a duty, a responsibility to provide and because they are going through a difficult adult life right now it is up to you Mom to provide it all. They need you and all that you have to get them through.

However, there is a bit of a problem. You are getting a bit resentful. You are actually exhausted, and feeling like you are being asked to help out more and more all the time. 

​There is an elephant in the room and it is actually beginning to suffocate you, and you are feeling squished, with a deep heaviness in your heart.  

​When do you get your time? When do you get to enjoy YOUR life? When does the squeezing, stress, requests and demands from them stop? 

Is it okay to put in boundaries and say NO, even maybe just once?

Then you realize you are thinking selfishly and immediately feel badly for even thinking such thoughts. You need to put them first in their time of need, but when will it stop? Oh the emotional roller coaster, the doubt, and the energy drain on YOU. 

It is soooo much. When will it change? 

You can't say anything it will destroy them, so you carry on, doing it all and feel more and more "trapped", wishing you could just say NO without it turning into an argument.


Enough is Enough! Time to let your adult children live their lives, so YOU CAN LIVE YOURS!

An incredibly powerful, life changing course where we, as Mom's of adult children, will be learning how to:

* release the hidden fear of "losing" your children

* soften your ability to feel their pain as your pain

* recognize what you have the power to change and what you can't (and learn how to be okay with it)

* put in appropriate boundaries and expectations for yourself and your adult children

* strengthen your LOVE and relationship (in ways you didn't know were even possible)

* release control of your children and their life experiences allowing more room for true love, growth and expansion for everyone!

TRUST me, they need you to say NO sometimes, and to trust and believe in them to spread their wings and fly.

You owe it to them, as much as you owe it to yourself.


* placing a bigger wedge in the already fragile relationship that currently exists

​* relationship will break down with more tension, stress and arguments

​* hurt, sorrow, grief, confusion, depression for Mom because haven’t figured out how to move forward with the changing role as adult children need Mom’s differently and yet the adult children don’t know what they need

If you are in a place in life, that is not sitting comfortable or right for you....

If you are questioning when are you going to be able to LIVE YOUR LIFE.....

If you are feeling resentful, confused, frustrated wanting and yearning to know how to support your children, without it consuming your life...



You are in a major transition of YOUR life as a woman in your midlife years with adult children who can't for some reason, seem to let you go.

Your role as a Mom is requiring change.

You no longer have the responsibilities that you have been accustomed to for 20 + years, and that my dear is HUGE.

That is why I created this course.  It is all about YOU, for YOU, and because of YOU.


Enough is Enough! Time to let your adult children live their lives, so YOU CAN LIVE YOURS!

You deserve to be supported through this challenging life transition so that you can build a healthy, respectful relationship with your adult children.

It is NEVER too late to make changes.

How do YOU want to live the next 30 + years?

How will YOU living a fulfilled and happy life, positively impact ALL those around you, especially your adult children?

​How can YOU change your support of your adult children without it damaging your relationship?

If you continue doing what you are doing now your relationship with your adult children will be:

​* very unhealthy and toxic

​* spiralling more and more out of control daily, with higher incidents of tension, stress, arguments, and further separation

​* full of sorrow, grief, confusion, depression, and illness

​*  very restrictive, with lots of negative energy that impacts all aspects of your daily life

Cut the Cord-Not the Ties will transform you to


​* be confident and fulfilled in the new ways you get to support your adult children without depleting yourself

​* have new responsible and respectful ways to appreciation and LOVE your adult children

​* be able to place boundaries that are respectful of you, your time, your emotions and your energy

Top 10 Benefits of Enrolling in Cut the Cord-Not the Ties

  1. Learn how to love and respect yourself as a woman
  2. Continue to be valued and loved as a Mom, and understand how your adult children’s needs change and how much you are responsible for and what they need to take ownership of
  3. Community of women in same situation for a safe supportive network in a judgement free zone​
  4. Take personal action implementing powerful life changing steps with support during our 8 weeks together​
  5. Gain clarity on where you are at now as a Mom, discover what your needs are as a woman, and how to fulfill those needs free from guilt
  6. Learn about different parenting styles so that you can begin to see what is happening in your current relationship and gain clarity on the roles in the relationship
  7. Release the fear, shame, and disappointment about where you are now as a Mom and a woman
  8. Step into a whole new opportunity for personal growth and expansion in ways you have never experienced before​
  9. Release that which does not serve you as a woman​
  10. Understand that there is one thing that you have power and control over and that is YOU


  • ​access to a private supportive community of Mom’s from around the world in like situations​
  • weekly content with a workbook to help record your shifts, learnings and growth​
  • weekly group sessions to introduce, guide and coach you through the steps required to help you take responsibility and ownership for your new journey of being a Mom of adult children



It’s Time to Start Living and Loving YOUR Life

I invite you to reach out if you're ready to embark on your transformative journey. Together, let's take the first step toward an empowered and fulfilling midlife journey. We will unlock your true potential, create meaningful change, and build a life that reflects your authentic self.